Friday, May 21, 2010

May Milks

Work has been a real bear lately and I haven't gotten out nearly as much as I would like.  I have had 30 minutes here or there and figured I would make a post to highlight some of the Milk Snakes I have found. So far this season I have found 120+ Milk Snakes. Someday I will gain the patience and skills to get some good shots. Until then enjoy.
Madison County  5-2-2010

Madison County  5-8-2010

Louisa County - 5-9-2010 (about to shed)

with Racer. Louisa County 5-9-2010

double under 1 rock. Clayton County 5-13-2010

Clayton County 5-13-2010

Madison County 5-15-2010

Clayton County 5-19-2010

Photo taken by Eric and posted without his permission. Clarke County 5-2-2010

Until next time Up the Nature Punx!

Hunx and His Punx - Gay Singles

Hunx and His Punx - Gay Singles (2009)
"Hunx and His Punx make swooning bubblegum-punk, and though they aren't the first group to marry the effortless, sugary pop of 60s girl groups with the garage-rock revival, they might be the first whose skuzzy "My Boyfriend's Back"-like songs are explicitly homoerotic. There is a wry dissonance between the songs' easy three-chord strums, resonant vintage organ flourishes, and hand-clapped percussion and their plainspoken lyrics about getting into someone's pants. The songwriters (most tracks are credited to a combination of Bogart and Justin Champlin, the garage-punk character known as Nobunny) may think they're being shocking, but the lyrics are actually charmingly innocent. Hunx is interested in winning over straight guys ("I don't think he's gonna miss her/ Cuz I'm a really good kisser," Bogart sings on "Good Kisser"), and flipping 60s girl-pop tropes like waiting for boys to call.

The outrageously tarty presentation plus faux naïve musical content highlights a winning group of influences-- John Waters, the Shangri-Las, the Ramones-- and the collection is surprisingly cohesive for a singles compilation. Bogart sings with a whining, nasal bray that may be off-putting or gratingly flat to some, but swathed in cheap, tinny reverb, it gets the rebellious, adolescent vibe right. After all the homoeroticism, this is at heart a record about the thrust and vitality of rock'n'roll: "You like Morrissey, you like U2/ What the Fuck is wrong with you?" Bogart sings on opener "You Don't Like Rock'n'Roll", and if you think it's a legit question you might want to sing it along with him.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Bremer County, IA 4-22-2010

I had just a bit of time to kill, so I hit a spot that I knew was supposed to have Massasaugas somewhere on it.  I cruised a bit and came across a field that looked perfect.

I found a few garters that dove into the grass to quick to get a handle on them.  I came across a few boards and flipped em. They were producing nothing, but then I came across the last one of the bunch,

And lo and behold to my suprise what do I flip, and Eastern Massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus catenatus). It looked like a large female, but it was to awkward to hold the board, not disturb her, and get a decent photo. These were the best from the bunch.

Up the nature punks!