Friday, May 21, 2010

May Milks

Work has been a real bear lately and I haven't gotten out nearly as much as I would like.  I have had 30 minutes here or there and figured I would make a post to highlight some of the Milk Snakes I have found. So far this season I have found 120+ Milk Snakes. Someday I will gain the patience and skills to get some good shots. Until then enjoy.
Madison County  5-2-2010

Madison County  5-8-2010

Louisa County - 5-9-2010 (about to shed)

with Racer. Louisa County 5-9-2010

double under 1 rock. Clayton County 5-13-2010

Clayton County 5-13-2010

Madison County 5-15-2010

Clayton County 5-19-2010

Photo taken by Eric and posted without his permission. Clarke County 5-2-2010

Until next time Up the Nature Punx!

1 comment:

  1. The pic of the racer and the milk is sick. crazy you found them under the same rock.
