Monday, May 3, 2010

Bremer County, IA 4-22-2010

I had just a bit of time to kill, so I hit a spot that I knew was supposed to have Massasaugas somewhere on it.  I cruised a bit and came across a field that looked perfect.

I found a few garters that dove into the grass to quick to get a handle on them.  I came across a few boards and flipped em. They were producing nothing, but then I came across the last one of the bunch,

And lo and behold to my suprise what do I flip, and Eastern Massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus catenatus). It looked like a large female, but it was to awkward to hold the board, not disturb her, and get a decent photo. These were the best from the bunch.

Up the nature punks!

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